Sunday 1 October 2017

Holly Hustle - Holly shuffle

So the Hustle started well - the technical descent through the woods to Meanwood park was exhilarating and I got up some good speed.  As we went parallel to the stream I eased up into a nice pace but felt out of sorts. I managed to keep running for the next 15 minutes but as we descended down through to the bottom of the park & along the duck board bridge I felt tired. I started to walk. I kept running and walking, thinking that I'd walk as much as I needed and run when I could. The walking sections increased and it was harder and harder to run. My tummy felt sore, I needed the loo and I really needed a drink.

I'd had a headache the night before and dodgy tummy in the morning. I'd been encouraged to have a slice of toast but couldn't stomach much more than a glass of water & a cup of black tea.

Just before half way I decided to give it up as a bad job and started back for the finish - good job I new the area! I was proud of myself for deciding to turn back - it felt right, going on would have been an insult to injury. Safe as to say I spent the rest of the day in bed and bottle fed the little one.

There is always next year.

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