Wednesday 4 October 2017


The storm has passed and I now regret having had a rant publically. My husband came off worst and I feel awful. It's not his fault I'm overwhelmed.

This is a fairly typical sight each morning (they're probably watching 'Hey Dougee'!) and I'm sorry I portrayed his support as anything less than round the clock devotion.

Neither of us have enough time or energy to do something for ourselves each day. We're both bogged down with toddler tantrums, potty training, poo-ey nappies, 3am feeds, tired infants, work (paid or unpaid), cooking and cleaning. We both miss running when we want, lie ins, popping out for a quick pint and having a bath in peace. I was too busy thinking about how hard it is and I forgot he's in it too.

Sorry x


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