Thursday 5 April 2018

3 weeks until race day!

Last long run: 18 miles
Longest stretch of unbroken night's sleep: 1
Running injuries: right knee - pain when weight baring
Excuses: none

So, it's officially taper time and I'm glad. My last long run was cut short due to searing knee pain and I couldn't even lift my leg up, I really hope it will be OK on they day.  I got to do 2 18 mile runs and one 20 mile run. I'm planning on swimming, doing pilates and core exercises to help as I think it's weakness in my hips that is the route cause of the pain.

I'm hoping it will all be worth if I can raise some money for Mermaids, we're putting on some great community projects, including free summer activities using local food donations to reduce food poverty over the summer holidays. Donate time or cash - every penny/minute helps masses.

I've had some awesome long runs - snow, sun, friends and more snow! Each run I get my creative writing head on and have loads I want to say on my blog but then I get in and find myself torn between spending time with my family after being out for 3 hours and sitting at my computer. So sorry for not being a frequent blogger and charting the journey through my training as I'd intended. Here are some ideas I had to explore:

  • Snow is good for seeing your foot strike
  • Stopping breast feeding (Yey! and boo!)
  • Coming close to being the parent you want to be
  • Feeling selfish for wanting children
  • Reassessing running goals (Just need to get to the start line)
  • Looking into coaching courses - being a better coach
  • Sugar addiction
  • Strengthening check list - making core strength a routine
  • Pre-running activation exercises
  • Identity as me, not Mum
Reducing the pressure on myself for doing all the things I want to do has helped reduce my anxiety around not being good enough (parenting, runner, coach, friend, wife) and writing a list of the things I'd like to do (when I have the time) seems to help. 

So look out for future blogs comprised lists!

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