Thursday 18 January 2018

16 miles longest run & 12 weeks to go

Longest run - 16 miles
Niggles - right knee loss of drive & pain under the knee cap
Average full night's sleep - 4/7

So it turns out having two young children makes me feel like I have no time to write. In truth, I have time but my attention is taken away from writing (pilates, yoga, DIY, cooking & looking for a job etc) by the little ones. TBH, when they are asking you to play it's hard to say no! I've found the time to write mow because my parents have my children today - thank you, thank you, thank you! Getting a balance between childcare and satisfying the drive to be productive is an interesting one and different for all of us.

The 16 miler came as a surprise - I was due to do 12 miles but missed a turning. I was really happy to see I'd done 16 and not felt totally exhausted. It was also great being out around some lovely scenery and tackling some killer hills.

South Leeds Sisters is also going well - we have all pulled together to put on and promote a beginner course - check out the info: We put on a (humble) stall in Leeds Market and thrust leaflets at all and sundry throughout the day.

Sally also wrote a piece for South Leeds Life -

We have 15 signed up and I really hope they come - we have all worked hard to talk to our friends and family about how much the group is welcoming, encouraging and a really gradual build up into running. It starts Monday 5th February, I have my fingers crossed!

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