Monday 28 August 2017

Focused Mind?

I'm really glad I wrote the marathon plan. It's meant that I have set time aside for myself and focused my running efforts on something manageable. Going out 3 times per week is needed and doable. This month my longest run is 4 miles, which I did by adding a mile before parkrun. I then allow myself to run shorter distances on the other days and play around with a bit of hills or speed. I actually felt athletic!

This week I went out with my sister and it was fantastic to run with someone and be distracted from feeling tired. I was tired because the newborn had been up 3 times, the toddler once and non of us were in bed as early as we should have been. It's amazing how much lack of sleep impacts everything - concentration, mood & appetite.

My back is still feeling weak and the running motion feel unnatural. I feel better when I've done core exercises and drills. I found this stretching & glut information pack:

I expected to find running specific information about ways to help the stomach muscles come back together. The You Tube vidoes I have been watching focus on getting back into 'shape' after pregnancy so they talk a lot about building inner core strength before progressing onto sit ups etc. I wonder whether it is more a concern where the aim is having a flat stomach.

I had been feeling a lot better about my post-pregnancy body but recently a two innocent comments have put me back. I want to feel OK about not being 'in shape'. I've struggled to finish this paragraph because there are so many issues linked in with being a female that I don't know where to start.

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