Thursday 31 August 2017

Feeding or fishing?

This was at the end of the 2.5k swimathon. I was 22 weeks pregnant and very proud to have finished this swim (I counted wrong and thought I'd finished but was only half way - gutted!). I'm with two fab women who I miss.

I went back to swimming for the first time since giving birth - it was excellent! I reached up to pull down and rotated and kicked and kept my tail bone curled body felt like it was moving the way it was supposed to for the first time in a long time! I was hungry the whole day and so thirsty. I felt back to my normal self. I also caught up with a good friend on the way and wasn't 'Mum' for 2 whole hours, it was such a nice break.

While I was swimming the bubbas gave my husband a run for his money. I felt bad but also a bit glad that I'd escaped a simultaneous infant's screaming fit and toddler melt down. They're both fab little ones when they're settled but if they both need help at the same time it can feel really stressful. My husband is worried I'll struggle when he's working lots next week and is usually really insightful so I hope I'm not underplaying how hard it is and ask for help.

I find asking for help difficult. I've always enjoyed the challenge of doing things independently but the older I get the more I realise it's much easier and sociable to work with someone else. I find it easier helping others more that accepting help but am really working on it.

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