Monday 4 September 2017

Baby blues

I've been feeling blue this last 2 weeks and it's really surprised me because the newborn is crying less, I've been getting more sleep, the breast feeding is comfy now and I've been getting back into running. The reason hit me last week, when I was getting food prepared for a family BBQ. The little ones were in bed (Yes - both of them!), Craig Charles was on and I felt like things were finally settling down. I looked at the monitor and the newborn was fast asleep. Not crying. Not wanting feeding. Not needing me. Not needing me. Not needing me.

It struck me like a lightening bolt and brought a tear to my eye. I've spent the last 12 months devoted to growing him, giving birth, getting to grips with feeding, trying to survive the day times and all of a sudden it feels like I've been made redundant.

I soon realised I should have been proud of myself for getting through it. I still felt lost though. I felt something similar with my first. That's life!

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