Wednesday 6 September 2017

Downgrading the distance

7 months to go and I've already changed my long run distances and effort sessions. I've backed off the distance so I'm increasing more slowly and I've increased the focused faster reps within the shorter runs. The faster bits motivate me to keep going, I think partly because I'm focusing on moving like a runner and therefore not thinking of how hard it is. I've decided not to increase the long run as quickly as I'd first planned as my back still feels sore after running and I'm concerned my abs & pelvic floor haven't recovered enough to withstand the constant pounding.

It feels really nice (and strange) to downsize my efforts - I'm so used to pushing harder than I feel ready for. I think running is a funny one because it's such a solo sport you need to push yourself id you want to improve and no one else will do it for you. It's not like a team game where someone else takes the game forward while you wait your turn.

I feel in charge and like I'm finally listening to my own mind and body as what's right for me right now. It's still hard to decide when to make the call though...who knows, by April I might be a self coached running guru!!

This week I ran one of my old routes in a similar time to pre-baby, I was so happy! I feel like I'm getting somewhere. It's funny because as I was stretching afterwards I looked down and chuckled at my hips being wider and wondered how much the physical change effects the movement.

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