Friday 28 July 2017

9 Weeks post birth, 4th run in

I had totally forgotten how much new borns struggle being on the outside! He is so much better than he's been until now 6 but still cries to get to sleep and is really unsettled in the evenings. His crying makes me really sad. By the evening I'm it too early to get him into his bed early evening? I feel like it is (tried it and it ended in tears - his and mine!) but am really struggling to feel like I get a break from him.

The toddler has been awesome and is pulling me through the 'New Born Black Hole' - knowing that he will soon interact and not need to feed from me. I've been advised not to wish the time away but it's hard sometimes.

I did my 3rd and longest run/walk on Tuesday. I had fed every 2 hours through the night and found it hard to concentrate on running tall and reminding myself to walk when it was feeling tough. It's my first solo parkrun this morning and I'm excited to be going to Cross Flatts alone but worried about conversations about getting back into 'shape' and not feeling able to walk when I need to. It's still early days so no expectations, right...?!

So, vegan porridge & raisins eaten, toddler & new born fed, formula & bottle ready for hand over time...eek!!

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