Wednesday 26 July 2017

First post birth run

This is my first ever blog and I'm a bit nervous! I've decided to write it because I had my second child 8 weeks ago and also got a place for the London Marathon. I didn't write a diary with my first and feel sad that I've very few memories of what it was like getting back into running after having her so this time I'm using this as a way of having something to look back on.

To set the scene, I have been running for the fun of it for around 20 years, I started going out with my Dad as a child and took to it from there. I've taken part in plenty of races, mainly low level fell runs, cross countries and a few road runs. I got my London Marathon place with my 'Good for age' time at Manchester Marathon in 2015. I have 8 months to get myself through London, I did run up to 30 weeks pregnant so I'm hoping I'm not starting from scratch.

I also really like baking, swimming and am a total lefty!

This was me on my first ever run after birth. That was 2 weeks ago, I had been inspired by a friend (also recently had her 3rd child & training for a 7 mile trail race) to get back into fitness and also had had a pep talk about feeling OK asking for help. So, I planned with my husband for him to take both children (for the first time) to the shop while I ran and walked a mile loop round my house.

I felt awesome! I donned a baggy t-shirt and sun glasses so I was less self conscious, I ran as far as I could before walking when my back began to hurt a little and stopped to do some squats and stretches half way round. It felt so good to be out without a child I felt wild! I carried on the fitness theme when I got home and did a post natal pilates You Tube video in the garden.

My husband and two children returned and it was so nice to see them. It felt like I'd had a really nice break. My daughter wanted to do races in the garden and it was fantastic to feel like I wanted to do it rather than torn between feeding my newborn and struggling to fit her in.


  1. Well done Holly! You're a ⭐️ and always an inspiration to me Sheli x

    1. Thanks Sheli! I miss your chirpy tales loads, looking forward to getting back to Sisters.
