Wednesday 26 July 2017

South Leeds Sisters

In 2012 I set up South Leeds Sisters - a group for women to meet socially and enjoy use running.

This is us on a cold winter's night:

At Leeds half:

We've run with 401 Ben, volunteered at Run For All charity events had many social events (meals out, drinks in town and even Bingo).

We meet Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays at John Charles Centre for Sport and many of us do Cross Flatts parkrun on Saturdays.

I've met some truly awesome women through the group. I've never been much of a woman's woman - preferring the no nonsense chat of men and sharing more interests due to running/swimming and films. However, I've met some down to earth, funny and inspirational women at Sisters and they've helped me through both pregnancies and been a knowledgeable sounding board.

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